
dimanche 10 mars 2013

Telecharger AVG LinkScanner 2013.0.2897 Gratuit

Telecharger AVG LinkScanner 2013.0.2897 Gratuit AVG LinkScanner est conçu pour tester le niveau de sécurité des liens obtenus après une recherche sur Google, Yahoo! ou MSN Search pour vous protéger des sites web contrefaits, louches ou potentiellement dangereux qui foisonnent sur la Toile. AVG LinkScanner se présente sous la forme d'une barre d'outils intégrée à Internet Explorer et/ou à Firefox. Cette barre comprend deux modules: Search-Shield et Surf-Shield, que vous pouvez activer et désactiver à tout moment. Search-Shield indique le degré de fiabilité des liens listés à l'aide d'icônes...
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Telecharger AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2013.0.2899 Gratuit

Telecharger AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2013.0.2899 Gratuit Aux côtés d'Avast! et d'Avira Antivir, AVG fait partie des antivirus gratuits les plus populaires actuellement. Doté d'une toute nouvelle interface qui ressemble enfin à ce qui se fait de nos jours, AVG se révèle très pratique à l?usage. Il assure une protection efficace et discrète en toutes circonstances. Les nouveautés de la version 2013 : - AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2013 a été pensé pour une meilleure intégration à Windows 8 avec une nouvelle interface qui intègre la navigation tactile. - Accès simplifié aux tâches les plus...
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Telecharger ShootMania Storm Gratuit

Telecharger ShootMania Storm Gratuit Accessible à tous, ShootMania Storm est un jeu de tir à la première personne MMO futuriste. Le FPS de Nadeo possède de nombreux traits communs avec Trackmania, l'autre bombe du studio: un plaisir de jeu immédiat et des parties qui s'enchaînent très rapidement. Là où la plupart des FPS vous proposent un choix interminable de classes et d'armes avant même d'avoir tiré votre première cartouche, ShootMania Storm emprunte le chemin opposé et se présente comme un FPS accessible à tous. Une seule arme à feu, 2 persos au choix, pas plus de 4 tirs en 4 secondes:...
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Telecharger Hotspot Shield 2.88 Gratuit

Telecharger Hotspot Shield 2.88 Gratuit Hotspot Shield est un logiciel gratuit qui permet de sécuriser votre accès internet et d'accéder à des sites normalement indisponibles en dehors des Etats-Unis. Pour sécuriser votre connexion Internet , Hotspot Shield crée un VPN, un réseau privé virtuel entre votre ordinateur et la passerelle internet de l'éditeur du logiciel, Anchorfree. Résultat, vous pouvez accéder à tous vos sites sans craindre que vos données personnelles soient interceptées, même depuis un accès WiFi public. L'autre avantage de Hotspot Shield est de contourner les limitations...
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Telecharger avast! Antivirus Gratuit Béta 8.0.1478.28 Gratuit

Telecharger avast! Antivirus Gratuit Béta 8.0.1478.28 Gratuit avast! Antivirus Gratuit Béta est la dernière version en date de cet antivirus réputé. Au menu: adoption d'une nouvelle interface, ajout de quelques fonctionnalités avancées mais peu de nouveautés quant au moteur de détection. La procédure d'installation d'avast! Free Antivirus a été simplifiée et le nouvel aspect graphique de la suite facilite encore un peu plus la prise en main du logiciel. Le nouveau menu d'accueil de avast! 8 vous permet de contrôler en un clin d??il si votre PC est correctement protégé. Dans le cas contraire,...
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vendredi 8 mars 2013

Telecharger Folder Size 2.6 Gratuit

Telecharger Folder Size 2.6 Gratuit Pour connaître la taille d'un dossier sur Windows, il faut obligatoirement passer par ses propriétés, accessibles par clic droit. Avec Folder Size, oubliez cette opération contraignante. Cet utilitaire gratuit et Open Source permet d'afficher la taille des dossiers directement dans l'explorateur de fichiers. Il ajoute une colonne de plus dans la vue "Détails" de l'explorateur. Pour l'activer, cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris en haut d'une colonne et cochez l'élément "Taille de Dossier". Effectuez la même man?uvre pour désactiver l'élément "Taille"...
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Telecharger PhraseExpress 9.0.170 Gratuit

Telecharger PhraseExpress 9.0.170 Gratuit PhraseExpress est un programme intelligent pour aider les rédacteurs/journalistes/écrivains pressés. Si vous êtes las de toujours taper les mêmes expressions à longueur de journée, ce petit logiciel génial vous facilite la vie. Le principe est simple: remplacer les expressions récurrentes par des raccourcis clavier. Plutôt que de taper la salutation "Veuillez agréer l'expression de mes sentiments distingués", vous ne tapez que le code "sal", pour que le reste de la formulation s'écrive automatiquement. A vous de choisir la formulation et son code associé....
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Telecharger BitComet 1.35 Gratuit

Telecharger BitComet 1.35 Gratuit Voici la dernière version de BitComet, l'un des principaux clients indiqués pour le téléchargement de fichiers Torrent. Il offre une combinaison attractive: une interface claire et facile à utiliser associée à de bonnes performances générales. BitComet inclut une série de fonctions intéressantes comme la possibilité de réaliser des téléchargements simultanés, chatter avec d'autres utilisateurs, maintenir une liste de fichiers à télécharger, reprendre les chargements interrompus, filtrer les adresses IP, limiter les taux d'upload/download... Le logiciel fonctionne...
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Telecharger Angry Birds Space 1.4.1 Gratuit

Telecharger Angry Birds Space 1.4.1 Gratuit Angry Birds Space est un jeu d'arcade addictif qui est la suite de la grande saga à succès ayant déjà porté dans la lumière Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons et Angry Birds Rio. Des heures de jeu et de casse-tête en perspective, la tête dans les étoiles! Angry Birds joue avec la gravité Angry Birds Space se déroule dans l'espace, comme son nom l'indique. Le but du jeu est toujours le même. Il s'agit d'envoyer avec un lance-pierre géant des oiseaux en colère sur les constructions de cochons verts qui ont volé des oeufs, dans le but de les détruire,...
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Telecharger Google Chrome 27.0.1422.0 Gratuit

Telecharger Google Chrome 27.0.1422.0 Gratuit Google Chrome Canary ? Google Chrome Canary, c'est le tout dernier prototype de Google Chrome. Si vous souhaitez avoir un aperçu des tous derniers ajouts et des fonctionnalités futures du navigateur de Google, installez Chrome Canary. Vous connaissez surement la version bêta ou la version développeur de Google Chrome, mais peut être pas la version Canary. Version plus récente de Google Chrome on ne peut pas... Cette version (elle correspond à la phase alpha / pre-alpha) particulière de Google Chrome s'installe indépendamment de la version stable...
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jeudi 7 mars 2013

Telecharger Simple Port Forwarding 3.8.1 Gratuit

Telecharger Simple Port Forwarding 3.8.1 Gratuit Simple Port Forwarding est un utilitaire gratuit pour régler simplement les redirections de ports sur votre routeur d'accès Internet. De nombreuses applications en réseau comme les jeux vidéo ou les logiciels peer-to-peer ne fonctionnent pas correctement à travers un routeur Internet et nécessitent des opérations souvent complexes pour y remédier. Grâce à une base de données de routeurs et d'applications, Simple Port Forwarding vous permet de modifier la configuration de votre routeur beaucoup plus simplement. Il suffit de choisir votre routeur...
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Telecharger Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ 10.5 Gratuit

Telecharger Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ 10.5 Gratuit Réputé comme étant le meilleur logiciel anti-espions du marché, Ad-Aware a su rebondir et offre depuis peu une protection anti-malware complète. Pour rivaliser avec ses nouveaux concurrents, Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ s'appuie sur le puissant moteur de détection VIPRE pour identifier toutes les menaces informatiques. Le fichier d'installation permet d'accéder aux 3 versions du logiciel - Free Antivirus +, Personal Security et Pro Security. Par défaut, c'est la version Pro qui est activée. Passés les 30 jours d'essai, Ad-Aware repasse en version...
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Telecharger avast! Pro Antivirus 8.0.1482.45 Gratuit

Telecharger avast! Pro Antivirus 8.0.1482.45 Gratuit Avec de nouvelles fonctionnalités et une interface complètement relookée pour coller aux canons actuels du genre, Avast! Pro Antivirus nous arrive ici en version payante et évidemment plus complète que sa version gratuite. Au c?ur de cette nouvelle version, on retrouve Avast! WebRep, un plugin pour Firefox et Internet Explorer qui permet de connaître la réputation d'un site visité directement depuis le navigateur. Avast! Pro Antivirus utilise les données de son laboratoire de test de virus et les votes de sa communauté d'utilisateurs pour...
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Telecharger Advanced Renamer 3.55 Gratuit

Telecharger Advanced Renamer 3.55 Gratuit Si votre collection de MP3 ou de photos commence à devenir imposante, la nécessité d'avoir des fichiers correctement nommés se fait rapidement sentir. Si ce n'est déjà fait, Advanced Renamer est l'outil idéal pour réaliser cette opération habituellement longue et fastidieuse. Gratuit et en français, Advanced Renamer est le logiciel de "renommage" le plus simple à utiliser et le plus malin testé par Softonic à ce jour. Avec lui, vous pouvez renommer simultanément de multiples fichiers mais aussi des répertoires entiers, en fonction de la méthode que...
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mercredi 6 mars 2013

Download MEO Free Encryption Software 2.12 Free

Download MEO Free Encryption Software 2.12 Free MEO Free Encryption Software provides a simple, free way to protect files, folders and emails from prying eyes. If you're looking for a quick-fix security solution, MEO Free Encryption Software could be what you need. This little app certainly doesn't look anything special, but it's surprisingly quick and effective. As long as the file formats it encrypts to and from are okay by you, it's a pretty good option. MEO Free Encryption Software is integrated into the Windows context menu, so to process files you can either right-click on them, or hit...
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Download modo 601 Free

Download modo 601 Free modo has long been the application of choice for animation studios like Pixar Studios and Industrial Light and Magic. The latest update to modo improves upon an already amazingly powerful 3D animation tool. One of the biggest complaints about the previous version, modo 501, was that character animation was noticeably absent. Luxology has addressed this complaint and have included character animations in modo 601. You can make static 3D models and flatten them for images or you can give life to your creations with the new character animation feature. The features that...
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Download Tupsu Free

Download Tupsu Free Tupsu is a fun, physics based puzzle game for desktop PCs that runs on the Pokki platform. If you?re looking for a fun distraction that challenges you to think on your feet, Tupsu might be right up your alley. With its whimsical but slightly quirky graphics, it?ll definitely catch most peoples? attention. Tupsu is reminiscent of popular web app Cut the Rope. In Tupsu though, you?re connecting your cute little monster?s eyes to places that will advance him closer to the stars he wants to collect, rather than cutting ropes to drop candy into the creature?s mouth. That?s really...
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Download Splendid Desktop Helper 1.57 Free

Download Splendid Desktop Helper 1.57 Free Splendid Desktop Helper is a screensaver and desktop wallpaper application for Windows PCs. The default Windows implementation of screensavers and wallpapers is decent. You can choose your own image folder to cycle through images. Windows 7 even rotates wallpapers for default themes. Splendid Desktop Helper wants to take these features a step further by dynamically loading images from the internet for your wallpaper and screensaver. What ensues is a complete mess of an application. The images that Splendid Desktop Helper provides are inconsistent,...
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Download KCleaner Free

Download KCleaner Free You probably don't notice, but as you use your computer your hard drive fills up with cache files, cookies, temporary files, logs and other similar useless elements that can end up taking up a heck of a lot of space. How can you get rid of them? Easy: install KCleaner and you?ll be able to erase all these temporary junk files in the blink of an eye. All you have to do is run the program and select the elements you'd like to erase from the list in the program's options. Then click on the "Analyse" button and KCleaner will search your system in search of the file...
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mardi 5 mars 2013

Download Adobe Fireworks CS6 12.0 Free

Download Adobe Fireworks CS6 12.0 Free Adobe Fireworks CS6 is an image editor focused mainly on graphics and images for the web ? including website design and web app coding. The complete set of tools included in Adobe Fireworks helps you design and create pretty much any element that could be used on the web, from a simple button to a complex website layout. Plus, the new version has extended its boundaries beyond the computer web browser, and lets you work for other devices as well, such as kiosks and smartphones. Adobe Fireworks CS6 corrects more than 60 bugs from the previous version,...
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Download FastPictureViewer Codec Pack 3.2 Free

Download FastPictureViewer Codec Pack 3.2 Free FastPictureViewer Codec Pack gives users the ability to view more than 40 different image formats in Windows Explorer and other image viewers on your PC. Nothing's more frustrating than taking a picture, uploading it to your computer and subsequently discovering you can't view the file format it uploaded as. FastPictureViewer Codec Pack can help solve that issue. As the name suggests, you can view a variety of different image formats with FastPictureViewer. In addition, FastPictureViewer Codec Pack offers support for viewing different types of...
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Download Capture One Pro 6.4.1 Free

Download Capture One Pro 6.4.1 Free If you're an amateur photographer who takes photos in JPG format with a simple compact camera you probably won't need to deal with RAW images, but professionals certainly will. Being a more professional-oriented format, RAW images require special software applications like Capture One Pro. This complete photo viewer and editor lets you manage your RAW images with ease. It features an interface divided into three different sections, namely system directory tree, folder contents preview and image preview. Capture One Pro also displays a complete analysis of...
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Download Lilly Looking Through Demo Free

Download Lilly Looking Through Demo Free Lilly Looking Through is a point-and-click adventure game requiring you to solve puzzles as you traverse through the world the game takes place in. Visually, Lilly Looking Through is beautiful. The backgrounds are static images that are painted and full of detail. Lilly?s character model does stick out from the environments, but that keeps her in the foreground of all the action. Playing Lilly Looking Through is like watching an animated film. It is strange that Lilly Looking Through has so much immersion for a game that features little voice acting...
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Download RemoveIT Pro 10.5.2012 Free

Download RemoveIT Pro 10.5.2012 Free RemoveIT is a free trojan, adware and spyware scanner that searches and destroys dangerous viruses, trojans and spyware. However, the effectiveness of RemoveIT is open to debate. The developers claim that it's so good, it "locates and removes many new dangerous files including spyware, malware, virus, worms, trojans and adware that other popular AV programs do not find." RemoveIT therefore is NOT a real-time scanner - it's based on cleaning-up after something has installed itself on your PC rather than real-time protection which I always think is a dangerous...
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lundi 4 mars 2013

Download Scribus 1.4.1 Free

Download Scribus 1.4.1 Free Scribus is a free open-source desktop publishing program that works across platforms and offers some impressive powerful features. Although it's completely free, Scribus offers some serious publishing power including support for CMYK color, separations, ICC color management and versatile PDF creation. Although the interface isn't as slick as it could be, Scribus works across platforms so it hasn't been designed with any one particular operating system in mind. One thing that isn't so easy to master on Scribus is formatting. You may encounter several formatting issues...
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Download Perfect Effects Free 3.0.2 Free

Download Perfect Effects Free 3.0.2 Free Perfect Effects Free is a photo editing program that lets you perform simple edits as well as put filters on your photos. If you're looking for a way to spruce up your photos, Perfect Effects Free is a great program to do just that. Think of it as Instagram for your computer, but with a lot more features and control. Import your own photos into Perfect Effects Free and you can crop, trim, and put filters on them - all with layer support. In fact, it looks and feels like a simplified version of Adobe Photoshop. The included filters are very good and...
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Download Free Video to Mp3 Converter Free

Download Free Video to Mp3 Converter Free Use Free Video to Mp3 Converter to extract sound from your videos. Free Video to Mp3 Converter lets you rip the soundtrack of any video and save it to MP3. Add files, choose where you want to save them to, and pick the format you want to extract to. There are 9 basic format options, as well as a set of sub-options within each group. By clicking Free Video to Mp3 Converter's little magic wand icon, you'll also be able to create your own presets. Free Video to Mp3 Converter offers some other nice options too, namely the ability to add tags...
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Download Revo Uninstaller Portable 1.94 Free

Download Revo Uninstaller Portable 1.94 Free Revo Uninstaller has been made portable. Well, maybe not exactly. The developers of the original app have created a new Revo Uninstaller Portable version, which means that it can be saved to your USB memory device and run directly run from there, as it doesn't require installation. Don?t think that this new Revo Uninstaller Portable is a lesser version just because of this portability feature. On the contrary, it includes the same array of tools to keep your system perfectly clean and healthy. With Revo Uninstaller Portable you'll be able to remove...
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Download VistaSwitcher 1.1.5 Free

Download VistaSwitcher 1.1.5 Free When you have a dozen different applications running at the same time on your computer, you need something else than just a simple icon when using Alt-Tab to switch between them. With VistaSwitcher you get exactly what you're looking for: a full, real-time preview of all currently active apps and windows on your system, every time you press the Alt-Tab hotkey. VistaSwitcher enables you to switch between apps and windows in a much more comfortable way, knowing exactly what's running on your system and where you're headed to. You can configure VistaSwitcher...
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samedi 2 mars 2013

Download PNotes 9.0.107 Free

Download PNotes 9.0.107 Free PNotes is highly customizable, flexible and free sticky note software that will allow you to keep your tasks and to-dos visible and on-schedule. If you have ever used a real sticky note, you'll get the idea behind PNotes. If you have an appointment to remember, something to buy, a person to email or even a new word to learn, just jot it down and stick it somewhere visible, or, in the case of PNotes, on your computer screen. PNotes' strongest point is undoubtedly its organizational and customization options. Each note can be tweaked - you can change the font, color,...
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Download Moon Breakers Free

Download Moon Breakers Free Moon Breakers is an online multiplayer space shooter, where two teams of pilots fight each other in space among giant asteroids. It's free to play, and features RPG like leveling, so the more experience you get the better abilities you will have. Moon Breakers begins with two base ships, Government and Pirates, and a field of asteroids separating them. There up to 32 players in a game, so it always feels pretty busy. Controls are easy to learn, and while your first couple of games might be frustrating as you learn how to play, you should soon get to grips with it...
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mardi 26 février 2013

Download HyperCam Free

Download HyperCam Free HyperCam is an app that allows you to video capture the action from an area of your PC desktop. If you've ever wanted to make a screencast showing people how to do something, or just video what's happening on your screen, you'll need a screen capture tool like HyperCam. Simply install the application and you can start recording a portion or all of the action on your screen. There are record and play buttons on the HyperCam interface, of you can activate it via configurable hotkeys. Depending on what you need, you can specify a framerate, and highlight mouse...
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Download Text-Osterone 1.120 Free

Download Text-Osterone 1.120 Free Flash animation is a technology that can all to easily be abused and there are numerous examples throughout the web where it has been used without justification resulting in non-accessible pages, annoying animations or amateurish-looking sites. On the other hand, when used correctly, Flash can add another dimension to your site, setting it apart from the masses and really giving the user a rounded and fulfilling experience. Text-Osterone is a library of text effects that you can easily configure much in the same way as the various transition effects of Microsoft...
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Download Garena Beta Free

Download Garena Beta Free Garena allows you to connect with a global network of game players so that you'll always have someone to play against. Garena currently supports quite a limited number of games but does include some major titles such as Age of Empires I and II, Battlefield 2, Bordelands, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 1 and 2, Call Of Duty: World At War, Counter Strike: Source, Call Of Duty 2, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Red Alert 3, Starcraft, Team Fortress 2 and Warcraft 3. When you download and install Garena, you have to create and account to log into the Garena network. You will be assigned...
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lundi 25 février 2013

Download TekRadius 4.4.5 Free

Download TekRadius 4.4.5 Free TekRadius installs itself as a Windows service and authenticates sessions for users using the protocol Radius (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Server). This protocol is used to authorize the execution of applications for access to the network so once it has authorised the credentials of the client, it will have access to the resources that he or she was assigned. TekRadius is compatible with Microsoft SQL server and administered with an interface from which you can easily control groups, users and meetings etc. The developers assure that TekRadius complies...
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Download AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) Free

Download AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) Free AOL has been on the internet just about as long as I can remember so you'd expect AIM to be a pretty decent instant messenger. However, the proof is in the pudding. Nowadays, MSN Messenger and Skype users far outnumber AIM users which shows that at the nd of the day, it's not one of the heavy hitters. AIM was, however, one of the first to incorporate voice, video and desktop-to-mobile messaging and so should at least be given credit for pioneering this technology. The instant messaging list on AIM has space for 500 friends and enables you to...
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Download BreakTaker Free

Download BreakTaker Free BreakTaker is an app designed to remind you to take regular breaks while working on your computer. Repetitive stress injury and carpel tunnel syndrome are common ailments within the work place as employees forget to get up and stretch once in a while. BreakTaker is a simple application that sits silently in the system tray and reminds you when to take your break. BreakTaker is a very simple application with only a few options to adjust. You can change how many minutes pass before the next alert, enable/disable sounds, and choose whether to pause the timer when...
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Download Orion File Recovery Software 1.03 Free

Download Orion File Recovery Software 1.03 Free Orion File Recovery Software is a simple app that does just what it says on the tin - it recovers files you may have misplaced or deleted. Easy to use One of the features that makes Orion File Recovery Software so user-friendly is that every time you open the program, it starts a recovery wizard. This means that specifying the criteria that the app will use to search for your files couldn't be easier. For example, Orion File Recovery Software will search for music, pictures, documents and other file types, whether or not you can remember the...
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samedi 2 février 2013

Download Exportizer 5.17 Free

Download Exportizer 5.17 Free Exportizer gives you the ability to view and edit databases with the ability to copy open tables to clipboards or export them to file. It works via BDE or ADO (ODBC) with DB, DBF, TXT, CSV and some other file types. It supports text, CSV, HTML, XML, XLS and RTF destination formats. You've also got the option to export via the program interface or via the command line. There are also possibilities to specify the number of database records to be copied into one line - thus, if you specify 3 and database record count is 24, then the database will be copied into 8...
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Download GeekUninstaller Free

Download GeekUninstaller Free GeekUninstaller is a lightweight uninstaller that uninstalls programs and finds little bits and pieces left in the registry by previously uninstalled applications. If you install and uninstall a lot of applications, your registry and file system may be filled with little bits and pieces left behind from previously uninstalled programs. GeekUninstaller is a lightweight uninstaller that doesn't require installation, which means that it's a perfect portable maintenance tool. GeekUninstaller impressed by finding registry files left over from previous uninstallations...
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Download Kodak Easyshare 8.3 Free

Download Kodak Easyshare 8.3 Free Kodak Easyshare is software to organize, view and edit your photos - whether or not you have a Kodak camera. Kodak Easyshare includes pretty much all the tools you would expect from a photo manager, such as being able to organize photos in albums, adding tags, retouching images that need a bit of optimization and sharing them. You can choose between burning them to a CD or DVD, emailing them, uploading them to the Kodak Gallery and publishing them on Flickr or Facebook. While Kodak Easyshare seems quite good at photo sharing, we found it a bit limited as photo...
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Download GizmoRip Free

Download GizmoRip Free GizmoRip is a useful desktop app that lets you backup the files on your Apple devices onto your PC. Losing data on your PC due to a hard drive failure can feel overwhelming and catastrophic. Fortunately, GizmoRip can help you transfer files from your iPod, iPad and iPhone back to your PC in the event of a crash. GizmoRip is a great resource that helps you recover audio and video files off your Apple device. Just plug in your device to your PC, locate it on GizmoRip's interface, and start transferring. GizmoRip also offers playlist support, so you can import Apple...
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Download QQ Messenger International 1.3 Free

Download QQ Messenger International 1.3 Free QQ Messenger may not sound familiar, but it's the most popular IM client in China. When you think about IM clients, the first names that come to your head are Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger and the likes. But have you ever heard of QQ Messenger? With more than one billion registered accounts, QQ Messenger is now more than just a simple IM client: it's a whole social phenomenon that millions of people use on a daily basis, and an essential part of their lives. The truth is that QQ Messenger is not that different from other IM clients you...
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vendredi 1 février 2013

Download Evidence Sweeper 3.0 Free

Download Evidence Sweeper 3.0 Free Once you've used Evidence Sweeper, you'll be amazed how much crap your computer actually picks up whilst surfing the internet. The deluge of temporary files, cached pages, cookies, ActiveX controls and key registers soon build up and both clog your hard rive and slow down the general performance of your PC. Evidence Sweeper includes more than 60 application plug-ins to eliminate traces left behind by even the most popular applications. Every day, Evidence Sweeper safely eliminates Web and PC clutter without deleting essential information. For security and...
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Download OneLoupe 3.11 Free

Download OneLoupe 3.11 Free OneLoupe is a digital rectangular lens to zoom in on anything that appears on your screen. The only way you can open this program is by clicking on the icon in the system tray. Once you have done that you can move the lens around and, by turning the mouse?s scroll wheel, zoom in and out up to 9X. The application is extremely light and can be useful for everyone, not just for people with sight problems. There are two major weak points I?ve noticed, though. One is that you can?t launch the program by simply pressing a combination of keys or with the right click button...
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Download eXceed 2nd ? Vampire REX 1.03 Free

Download eXceed 2nd ? Vampire REX 1.03 Free eXceed 2nd ? Vampire REX is a vertical scrolling shoot 'em up (shmup). It's a 'bullet hell ' shmup - the sub genre that fills the screen with bullets, so players have to quickly weave around them while shooting enemies themselves. The back story of eXceed 2nd ? Vampire REX is surprisingly complex, but all gamers really need to know is how it plays. This is a fast shoot 'em up, an features the 'polarity' mechanic: you can alternate your polarity during the game, switching between two colors. You absorb bullets of the same color, only having to avoid...
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