Splendid Desktop Helper is a screensaver and desktop wallpaper application for Windows PCs.
The default Windows implementation of screensavers and wallpapers is decent. You can choose your own image folder to cycle through images. Windows 7 even rotates wallpapers for default themes. Splendid Desktop Helper wants to take these features a step further by dynamically loading images from the internet for your wallpaper and screensaver.
What ensues is a complete mess of an application. The images that Splendid Desktop Helper provides are inconsistent, with nature shots followed by scantily clad Asian girls to cute cat pictures. While the user can change the tags within Splendid Desktop Helper, there is no indication of where the app is pulling images. Thankfully, you can use your own images but that's a feature that Windows already has.
The only redeeming quality is that you can set a password for Splendid Desktop Helper. Waking a computer from the screensaver will launch a password prompt before allowing the user to log in.
Overall, Splended Desktop Helper makes a mess of managing and controlling Windows wallpapers and screensavers.
Pros- Grabs images from the internet
- Password protected scrensaver
- Inconsistent images
- Small images repeated in a tile format
- Not safe for work images set by default
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